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Object Helper

Object Helper allows you to do various operations on objects.

Categories: helpers

Type: objectHelper/v1


Add Value to the Object by Key

Name: addValueByKey

Add value to the object by key if it exists. Otherwise, update the value


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
sourceSource{}OBJECT_BUILDERSource object to be added or updatedtrue
keyKeySTRINGTEXTKey of the value to be added or updated.true
typeTypeSTRINGSELECTType of value to be added or updated.true
valueValue[]ARRAY_BUILDERValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueBOOLEANSELECTValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueDATEDATEValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueDATE_TIMEDATE_TIMEValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueINTEGERINTEGERValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueNULLNULLValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueNUMBERNUMBERValue to be added or updated.true
valueValue{}OBJECT_BUILDERValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueSTRINGTEXTValue to be added or updated.true
valueValueTIMETIMEValue to be added or updated.true

Add Key-Value Pairs to Object or Array

Name: addKeyValuePairs

Add values from list to object or array. If the source is object, the items in the list will be treated as Key-value pairs. If the value is array of objects, key-value pairs will be added to every object in the array.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
sourceTypeType of Initial ObjectSTRINGSELECTType of initial object to be added or updated.true
sourceSource[{}]ARRAY_BUILDERSource object to be added or updatedtrue
sourceSource{}OBJECT_BUILDERSource object to be added or updatedtrue
valueKey-Value Pairs{}OBJECT_BUILDERKey-Value pairs to be added or updated.true


Name: contains

Checks if the given key exists in the given object.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
inputInput{}OBJECT_BUILDERObject that you’d like to check.true
keyKeySTRINGTEXTKey to check for existence.true



Delete Key-Value Pair

Name: deleteKeyValuePair

Deletes a key-value pair in the given object by the specified key. Returns the modified object.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
inputInput{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe object from which to delete the key-value pair.true
keyKeySTRINGTEXTThe key of the key-value pair to delete.true


Name: equals

Compares two objects and returns true if they are equal.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
sourceSource{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe source object to compare.true
targetTarget{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe target object to compare against.true



Merge Two Objects

Name: mergeTwoObjects

Merge two objects into one. If there is any property with the same name, the source value will be used.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
sourceSource{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe source object to merge.true
targetTarget{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe target object to merge into.true