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Customize Component

Connector Icon and Category

  1. Find an Icon:

    • Search for a suitable user interface icon for your component in .svg format.
  2. Save the Icon:

    • Place the icon in the following directory: server/libs/modules/components/newcomponent/src/main/resources/assets/newcomponent.svg.
  3. Choose a Category:

    • Select a category for your component. Available categories can be found in ComponentCategory.
  4. Update Component Handler:

    • In NewComponentComponentHandler, override the modifyComponent(ModifiableComponentDefinition modifiableComponentDefinition) method:
      public ModifiableComponentDefinition modifyComponent(ModifiableComponentDefinition modifiableComponentDefinition) {
      return modifiableComponentDefinition


If your component requires custom authentication parameters, override the modifyConnection(ModifiableConnectionDefinition modifiableConnectionDefinition) method in NewComponentComponentHandler.

Refer to examples like ShopifyComponentHandler, DiscordComponentHandler, or PipelinerComponentHandler for guidance.


If some actions require properties not specified in the OpenAPI schema, override the modifyActions(ModifiableActionDefinition... actionDefinitions) method in NewComponentComponentHandler.

Refer to examples like DiscordComponentHandler or ClickupComponentHandler.

Dynamic Options

  1. Define Dynamic Options in OpenAPI Schema:
    • Add x-dynamic-options: true to the parameter in your OpenAPI schema to indicate that it requires dynamic options.
    • If the dynamic options depend on another parameter, include x-dynamic-options-dependency with the relevant parameter name.
  2. Regenerate the Component:
    • Run the following command to regenerate the component with updated dynamic options:
      Terminal window
      ./ component init --open-api-path ../../server/libs/modules/components/newcomponent/openapi.yaml --output-path ../../server/libs/modules/components --name newcomponent
  3. For each parameter with dynamic options, the options() and optionsLookupDependsOn() methods are automatically generated in the ModifiableActionDefinition class.
  4. The AbstractNewComponentUtils class is generated, providing methods to retrieve dynamic options for various properties within the component.
  5. Override the appropriate method in the NewComponentUtils class to load the correct options based on your specific requirements.

For implementation details, refer to examples from existing components such as Shopify, Airtable, and Hubspot.

Dynamic Properties

  1. Define Dynamic Properties in OpenAPI Schema:
    • Add x-dynamic-properties: true to the parameter in your OpenAPI schema to mark it as dynamic.
    • If the dynamic property depends on another parameter, include x-dynamic-properties-dependency with the relevant parameter name.
  2. Regenerate the Component:
    • Run the following command to regenerate the component with updated dynamic options:
      Terminal window
      ./ component init --open-api-path ../../server/libs/modules/components/newcomponent/openapi.yaml --output-path ../../server/libs/modules/components --name newcomponent
  3. For each dynamic property, the properties() and propertiesLookupDependsOn() methods are generated in the ModifiableActionDefinition class.
  4. The AbstractNewComponentUtils class is generated, offering methods to retrieve dynamic properties for various parameters within the component.
  5. Override the necessary method in the NewComponentUtils class to load the correct properties based on your specific needs.

For implementation details, refer to examples from existing components such as Airtable.