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The component definition is used to specify the properties of a component. Below is an explanation of each method that can be used in the component definition:

  • component(String name) - Builds new ModifiableComponentDefinition with the specified name. The name defines the component key (backend ID).
  • actions(A... actionDefinitions) - Specifies the actions that the component can perform.
  • categories(ComponentCategory... category) - Defines the category or categories that the component belongs to, used to group components together in the UI. Available categories can be found in ComponentCategory.
  • connection(ModifiableConnectionDefinition connectionDefinition) - Sets the connection definition for the component.
  • connectionRequired(boolean connectionRequired) - Indicates whether the component requires a connection to be configured before it can be used.
  • customAction(boolean customAction) - Indicates if the component is REST-based.
  • description(String description) - Provides a short description of the component.
  • icon(String icon) - Specifies the path to the icon that will be displayed in the UI.
  • title(String title) - Sets the name of the component in Chicago Style that will be displayed in the UI.
  • triggers(T... triggerDefinitions) - Lists the triggers that the component can listen to.
  • version(int version) - Specifies the version number of the component.