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HTTP Client

Makes an HTTP request and returns the response data.

Categories: helpers

Type: httpClient/v1


Version: 1



NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired

Bearer Token


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired

Basic Auth


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired

Digest Auth


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired

OAuth2 Authorization Code


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
authorizationUrlAuthorization URLSTRINGTEXTtrue
tokenUrlToken URLSTRINGTEXTtrue
clientIdClient IdSTRINGTEXTtrue
clientSecretClient SecretSTRINGTEXTtrue
headerPrefixHeader PrefixSTRINGTEXTnull
scopesScopesSTRINGTEXT_AREAOptional comma-delimited list of scopesnull

OAuth2 Implicit Code


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
authorizationUrlAuthorization URLSTRINGTEXTtrue
clientIdClient IdSTRINGTEXTtrue
clientSecretClient SecretSTRINGTEXTtrue
headerPrefixHeader PrefixSTRINGTEXTnull
scopesScopesSTRINGTEXT_AREAOptional comma-delimited list of scopesnull

OAuth2 Client Credentials


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
tokenUrlToken URLSTRINGTEXTtrue
clientIdClient IdSTRINGTEXTtrue
clientSecretClient SecretSTRINGTEXTtrue
headerPrefixHeader PrefixSTRINGTEXTnull
scopesScopesSTRINGTEXT_AREAOptional comma-delimited list of scopesnull



Name: get

The request method to use.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
uriURISTRINGTEXTThe URI to make the request to. If HTTP Client Connection defines Base URI, then this value is appended to it.true
allowUnauthorizedCertsAllow Unauthorized CertsBOOLEANSELECTDownload the response even if SSL certificate validation is not possible.null
responseTypeResponse FormatSTRINGSELECTThe format in which the data gets returned from the URL.null
responseFilenameResponse FilenameSTRINGTEXTThe name of the file if the response is returned as a file object.null
headersHeaders{}OBJECT_BUILDERHeaders to send.null
queryParametersQuery Parameters{}OBJECT_BUILDERQuery parameters to send.null
fullResponseFull ResponseBOOLEANSELECTReturns the full response data instead of only the body.null
followAllRedirectsFollow All RedirectsBOOLEANSELECTFollow non-GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
followRedirectFollow GET RedirectBOOLEANSELECTFollow GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
ignoreResponseCodeIgnore Response CodeBOOLEANSELECTSucceeds also when the status code is not 2xx.null
proxyProxySTRINGTEXTHTTP proxy to use.null
timeoutTimeoutINTEGERINTEGERTime in ms to wait for the server to send a response before aborting the request.null


Name: post

The request method to use.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
uriURISTRINGTEXTThe URI to make the request to. If HTTP Client Connection defines Base URI, then this value is appended to it.true
allowUnauthorizedCertsAllow Unauthorized CertsBOOLEANSELECTDownload the response even if SSL certificate validation is not possible.null
responseTypeResponse FormatSTRINGSELECTThe format in which the data gets returned from the URL.null
responseFilenameResponse FilenameSTRINGTEXTThe name of the file if the response is returned as a file object.null
headersHeaders{}OBJECT_BUILDERHeaders to send.null
queryParametersQuery Parameters{}OBJECT_BUILDERQuery parameters to send.null
bodyBody{STRING(bodyContentType), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), STRING(bodyContent), FILE_ENTRY(bodyContent), STRING(bodyContentMimeType), STRING(bodyContentMimeType)}OBJECT_BUILDERThe body of the request.null
fullResponseFull ResponseBOOLEANSELECTReturns the full response data instead of only the body.null
followAllRedirectsFollow All RedirectsBOOLEANSELECTFollow non-GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
followRedirectFollow GET RedirectBOOLEANSELECTFollow GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
ignoreResponseCodeIgnore Response CodeBOOLEANSELECTSucceeds also when the status code is not 2xx.null
proxyProxySTRINGTEXTHTTP proxy to use.null
timeoutTimeoutINTEGERINTEGERTime in ms to wait for the server to send a response before aborting the request.null


Name: put

The request method to use.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
uriURISTRINGTEXTThe URI to make the request to. If HTTP Client Connection defines Base URI, then this value is appended to it.true
allowUnauthorizedCertsAllow Unauthorized CertsBOOLEANSELECTDownload the response even if SSL certificate validation is not possible.null
responseTypeResponse FormatSTRINGSELECTThe format in which the data gets returned from the URL.null
responseFilenameResponse FilenameSTRINGTEXTThe name of the file if the response is returned as a file object.null
headersHeaders{}OBJECT_BUILDERHeaders to send.null
queryParametersQuery Parameters{}OBJECT_BUILDERQuery parameters to send.null
bodyBody{STRING(bodyContentType), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), STRING(bodyContent), FILE_ENTRY(bodyContent), STRING(bodyContentMimeType), STRING(bodyContentMimeType)}OBJECT_BUILDERThe body of the request.null
fullResponseFull ResponseBOOLEANSELECTReturns the full response data instead of only the body.null
followAllRedirectsFollow All RedirectsBOOLEANSELECTFollow non-GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
followRedirectFollow GET RedirectBOOLEANSELECTFollow GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
ignoreResponseCodeIgnore Response CodeBOOLEANSELECTSucceeds also when the status code is not 2xx.null
proxyProxySTRINGTEXTHTTP proxy to use.null
timeoutTimeoutINTEGERINTEGERTime in ms to wait for the server to send a response before aborting the request.null


Name: patch

The request method to use.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
uriURISTRINGTEXTThe URI to make the request to. If HTTP Client Connection defines Base URI, then this value is appended to it.true
allowUnauthorizedCertsAllow Unauthorized CertsBOOLEANSELECTDownload the response even if SSL certificate validation is not possible.null
responseTypeResponse FormatSTRINGSELECTThe format in which the data gets returned from the URL.null
responseFilenameResponse FilenameSTRINGTEXTThe name of the file if the response is returned as a file object.null
headersHeaders{}OBJECT_BUILDERHeaders to send.null
queryParametersQuery Parameters{}OBJECT_BUILDERQuery parameters to send.null
bodyBody{STRING(bodyContentType), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), {}(bodyContent), STRING(bodyContent), FILE_ENTRY(bodyContent), STRING(bodyContentMimeType), STRING(bodyContentMimeType)}OBJECT_BUILDERThe body of the request.null
fullResponseFull ResponseBOOLEANSELECTReturns the full response data instead of only the body.null
followAllRedirectsFollow All RedirectsBOOLEANSELECTFollow non-GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
followRedirectFollow GET RedirectBOOLEANSELECTFollow GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
ignoreResponseCodeIgnore Response CodeBOOLEANSELECTSucceeds also when the status code is not 2xx.null
proxyProxySTRINGTEXTHTTP proxy to use.null
timeoutTimeoutINTEGERINTEGERTime in ms to wait for the server to send a response before aborting the request.null


Name: delete

The request method to use.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
uriURISTRINGTEXTThe URI to make the request to. If HTTP Client Connection defines Base URI, then this value is appended to it.true
allowUnauthorizedCertsAllow Unauthorized CertsBOOLEANSELECTDownload the response even if SSL certificate validation is not possible.null
responseTypeResponse FormatSTRINGSELECTThe format in which the data gets returned from the URL.null
responseFilenameResponse FilenameSTRINGTEXTThe name of the file if the response is returned as a file object.null
headersHeaders{}OBJECT_BUILDERHeaders to send.null
queryParametersQuery Parameters{}OBJECT_BUILDERQuery parameters to send.null
fullResponseFull ResponseBOOLEANSELECTReturns the full response data instead of only the body.null
followAllRedirectsFollow All RedirectsBOOLEANSELECTFollow non-GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
followRedirectFollow GET RedirectBOOLEANSELECTFollow GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
ignoreResponseCodeIgnore Response CodeBOOLEANSELECTSucceeds also when the status code is not 2xx.null
proxyProxySTRINGTEXTHTTP proxy to use.null
timeoutTimeoutINTEGERINTEGERTime in ms to wait for the server to send a response before aborting the request.null

Name: head

The request method to use.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
uriURISTRINGTEXTThe URI to make the request to. If HTTP Client Connection defines Base URI, then this value is appended to it.true
allowUnauthorizedCertsAllow Unauthorized CertsBOOLEANSELECTDownload the response even if SSL certificate validation is not possible.null
responseTypeResponse FormatSTRINGSELECTThe format in which the data gets returned from the URL.null
responseFilenameResponse FilenameSTRINGTEXTThe name of the file if the response is returned as a file object.null
headersHeaders{}OBJECT_BUILDERHeaders to send.null
queryParametersQuery Parameters{}OBJECT_BUILDERQuery parameters to send.null
fullResponseFull ResponseBOOLEANSELECTReturns the full response data instead of only the body.null
followAllRedirectsFollow All RedirectsBOOLEANSELECTFollow non-GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
followRedirectFollow GET RedirectBOOLEANSELECTFollow GET HTTP 3xx redirects.null
ignoreResponseCodeIgnore Response CodeBOOLEANSELECTSucceeds also when the status code is not 2xx.null
proxyProxySTRINGTEXTHTTP proxy to use.null
timeoutTimeoutINTEGERINTEGERTime in ms to wait for the server to send a response before aborting the request.null