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The connection definition is used to specify the properties of a connection. Below is an explanation of each method that can be used in the connection definition:

  • connection() - Initializes a new ModifiableConnectionDefinition, which serves as the foundation for defining connection properties.
  • authorizations(ModifiableAuthorization... authorizations) - Specifies the authorization mechanisms required for the connection, allowing you to define multiple authorization types such as OAuth2, API Key, or Basic Auth.
  • baseUri(BaseUriFunction baseUri) - Sets the base URI for the connection, which is the root URL used for all API requests made through this connection.
  • version(int version) - Defines the version number of the connection, useful for managing changes and updates to the connection configuration over time.


Each authorization is defined under the ModifiableAuthorization class which is designed to handle the authorization for components.

Modifiable Authorization

  • authorization(AuthorizationType authorizationType) - Initializes a new ModifiableAuthorization with the specified authorization type. This is the starting point for configuring an authorization.
  • apply(ApplyFunction apply) - Sets the function that applies the acquired authorization credentials to requests. This function ensures that requests are properly authenticated using the obtained credentials.
  • authorizationUrl(AuthorizationUrlFunction authorizationUrl) - Sets the function that provides the authorization URL. This URL is used to initiate the authorization process, often involving user consent.
  • description(String description) - Sets a human-readable description of the authorization. This can be used for documentation or display purposes.
  • refreshTokenFunction(RefreshTokenFunction refreshTokenFunction) - Sets the function responsible for handling refresh tokens. Refresh tokens are used to obtain new access tokens without re-authenticating the user.
  • properties(P... properties) - Sets a list of properties associated with the authorization. These properties can include configuration options or metadata.
  • refreshUrl(RefreshUrlFunction refreshUrl) - Sets the function that provides the URL for refreshing authorization credentials. This URL is used to obtain new tokens or credentials.
  • scopes(ScopesFunction scopes) - Sets the function that defines the scopes of access requested during authorization. Scopes specify the permissions granted to the application.
  • title(String title) - Sets a title for the authorization. This can be used for display purposes or to distinguish between different authorizations.
  • tokenUrl(TokenUrlFunction tokenUrl) - Sets the function that provides the token URL. This URL is used to exchange authorization codes for access tokens in OAuth2 flows.


Each authorization type has different properties that are required for successful authorization. Below are examples for common authorization types, demonstrating how to configure them effectively.

Basic Auth

Basic Auth is a simple authentication scheme built into the HTTP protocol. It requires a username and password, which are sent with each request.

.title("Basic Auth")

Bearer Token

Bearer Token authentication involves sending a token with each request. This token is typically obtained from an authorization server and represents the user’s identity.

.title("Bearer Token")

OAuth2 Authorization

OAuth2 Authorization Code is a robust authorization framework that allows third-party applications to obtain limited access to a web service. It involves redirecting the user to an authorization server to obtain an authorization code, which is then exchanged for an access token.

.title("OAuth2 Authorization Code")
.label("Client Id")
.label("Client Secret")
.authorizationUrl((connectionParameters, context) -> "authorization url")
.scopes((connection, context) -> List.of("scope1", "scope2"))
.tokenUrl((connectionParameters, context) -> "token url")
.refreshUrl((connectionParameters, context) -> "refresh url")