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Google Docs

Google Docs is a cloud-based collaborative word processing platform that allows multiple users to create, edit, and share documents in real-time.

Categories: file-storage

Type: googleDocs/v1


Version: 1

OAuth2 Authorization Code


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
clientIdClient IdSTRINGTEXTtrue
clientSecretClient SecretSTRINGTEXTtrue


Create Document

Name: createDocument

Create a document on Google Docs.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
titleTitleSTRINGTEXTDocument title.true
bodyContentSTRINGTEXT_AREADocument content.true

Create Document From Template

Name: createDocumentFromTemplate

Creates a new document based on an existing one and can replace any placeholder variables found in your template document, like [[name]], [[email]], etc.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
fileIdTemplate Document IDSTRINGSELECTThe ID of the template document from which the new document will be created.true
fileNameNew Document NameSTRINGTEXTName of the new document.true
folderIdFolder for New DocumentSTRINGSELECTFolder ID where the new document will be saved. If not provided, the new document will be saved in the same folder as the template document.false
valuesVariables{}OBJECT_BUILDERDon’t include the ”[[]]”, only the key name and its value.false
imagesImages{}OBJECT_BUILDERKey: Image ID (get it manually from the Read File Action), Value: Image URL.false

Get Document

Name: getDocument

Retrieve a specified document from your Google Drive.


NameLabelTypeControl TypeDescriptionRequired
documentIdDocument IdSTRINGSELECTThe ID of the document to read.true

Additional instructions



Setting up OAuth2

Turning on Docs API