Google Docs
Google Docs is a cloud-based collaborative word processing platform that allows multiple users to create, edit, and share documents in real-time.
Categories: file-storage
Type: googleDocs/v1
Version: 1
OAuth2 Authorization Code
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
clientId | Client Id | STRING | TEXT | true | |
clientSecret | Client Secret | STRING | TEXT | true |
Create Document
Name: createDocument
Create a document on Google Docs.
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
title | Title | STRING | TEXT | Document title. | true |
body | Content | STRING | TEXT_AREA | Document content. | true |
Create Document From Template
Name: createDocumentFromTemplate
Creates a new document based on an existing one and can replace any placeholder variables found in your template document, like [[name]], [[email]], etc.
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
fileId | Template Document ID | STRING | SELECT | The ID of the template document from which the new document will be created. | true |
fileName | New Document Name | STRING | TEXT | Name of the new document. | true |
folderId | Folder for New Document | STRING | SELECT | Folder ID where the new document will be saved. If not provided, the new document will be saved in the same folder as the template document. | false |
values | Variables | {} | OBJECT_BUILDER | Don’t include the ”[[]]”, only the key name and its value. | false |
images | Images | {} | OBJECT_BUILDER | Key: Image ID (get it manually from the Read File Action), Value: Image URL. | false |
Get Document
Name: getDocument
Retrieve a specified document from your Google Drive.
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
documentId | Document Id | STRING | SELECT | The ID of the document to read. | true |
Additional instructions
Turning on Docs API