Spotify is a popular music streaming service that offers a vast library of songs, podcasts, and playlists for users to enjoy.
Type: spotify/v1
Version: 1
OAuth2 Authorization Code
Name | Label | Type | Description | Required |
clientId | Client Id | STRING | true | |
clientSecret | Client Secret | STRING | true |
Play/Resume Playback
Name: startResumePlayback
Start or resume current playback on an active device.
Name | Label | Type | Description | Required |
deviceId | Device ID | STRING | false | |
context_uri | Context Uri | STRING | Spotify URI of the context to play (album, artist, playlist). | false |
uris | Tracks | ARRAY Items[STRING] | Spotify track URIs to play. | false |
position_ms | Position | INTEGER | The position in milliseconds to start playback from. | false |
Example JSON Structure
{ "label" : "Play/Resume Playback", "name" : "startResumePlayback", "parameters" : { "deviceId" : "", "context_uri" : "", "uris" : [ "" ], "position_ms" : 1 }, "type" : "spotify/v1/startResumePlayback"}
This action does not produce any output.
Add Items to a Playlist
Name: addItemsToPlaylist
Adds one or more items to your playlist.
Name | Label | Type | Description | Required |
playlist_id | Playlist ID | STRING | true | |
uris | Tracks | ARRAY Items[STRING] | true | |
position | Position | INTEGER | Position to insert the items, a zero-based index. | false |
Example JSON Structure
{ "label" : "Add Items to a Playlist", "name" : "addItemsToPlaylist", "parameters" : { "playlist_id" : "", "uris" : [ "" ], "position" : 1 }, "type" : "spotify/v1/addItemsToPlaylist"}
Name | Type | Description |
snapshot_id | STRING | The snapshot ID of the playlist. |
Output Example
{ "snapshot_id" : ""}
Create Playlist
Name: createPlaylist
Creates a new playlist
Name | Label | Type | Description | Required |
name | Name | STRING | The name for the new playlist. | true |
description | Description | STRING | The description for the new playlist. | false |
public | Public | BOOLEAN Optionstrue, false | The public status for the new playlist. | true |
collaborative | Collaborative | BOOLEAN Optionstrue, false | If the playlist is collaborative or not. | true |
Example JSON Structure
{ "label" : "Create Playlist", "name" : "createPlaylist", "parameters" : { "name" : "", "description" : "", "public" : false, "collaborative" : false }, "type" : "spotify/v1/createPlaylist"}
Name | Type | Description |
collaborative | BOOLEAN Optionstrue, false | Indicates if the owner allows other users to modify the playlist. |
description | STRING | The playlist description. |
external_urls | OBJECT Properties{STRING(spotify)} | Known external URLs for this playlist. |
href | STRING | A link to the Web API endpoint providing full details of the playlist. |
id | STRING | The Spotify ID for the playlist. |
name | STRING | The name of the playlist. |
type | STRING | The object type: ‘playlist’. |
uri | STRING | The Spotify URI for the playlist. |
owner | OBJECT Properties{STRING(href), STRING(id), STRING(type), STRING(uri)} | The user who owns the playlist. |
public | BOOLEAN Optionstrue, false | The playlist’s public/private status. |
Output Example
{ "collaborative" : false, "description" : "", "external_urls" : { "spotify" : "" }, "href" : "", "id" : "", "name" : "", "type" : "", "uri" : "", "owner" : { "href" : "", "id" : "", "type" : "", "uri" : "" }, "public" : false}