MYOB is an accounting software that helps businesses manage their finances, invoicing, and payroll.
Categories: accounting
Type: myob/v1
Version: 1
OAuth2 Authorization Code
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
clientId | Client Id | STRING | TEXT | true | |
clientSecret | Client Secret | STRING | TEXT | true | |
key | API key | STRING | TEXT | The API key registered in | true |
Create Customer
Name: createCustomer
Creates a new customer.
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
companyFile | Company File | STRING | SELECT | The MYOB company file to use. | true |
IsIndividual | Is Individual? | BOOLEAN | SELECT | Does customer contact represent an individual or a company? | true |
FirstName | First Name | STRING | TEXT | First name for an individual contact. | true |
LastName | Last Name | STRING | TEXT | Last name for an individual contact. | true |
CompanyName | Company Name | STRING | TEXT | Company name of the customer contact. | true |
IsActive | Is Active? | BOOLEAN | SELECT | Is customer contact active? | true |
Addresses | Addresses | [{STRING(Street), STRING(City), STRING(State), STRING(PostCode), STRING(Country), STRING(Phone1), STRING(Email), STRING(Website)}] | ARRAY_BUILDER | List of addresses for the customer contact. | false |
Create Customer Payment
Name: createCustomerPayment
Creates a new customer payment.
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
companyFile | Company File | STRING | SELECT | The MYOB company file to use. | true |
PayFrom | Pay From | STRING | SELECT | true | |
Account | Account | STRING | TEXT | true | |
Customer | Customer UID | STRING | SELECT | true |
Create Supplier
Name: createSupplier
Creates a new supplier.
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
companyFile | Company File | STRING | SELECT | The MYOB company file to use. | true |
IsIndividual | Is Individual? | BOOLEAN | SELECT | Does supplier contact represent an individual or a company? | true |
FirstName | First Name | STRING | TEXT | First name for an individual contact. | true |
LastName | Last Name | STRING | TEXT | Last name for an individual contact. | true |
CompanyName | Company Name | STRING | TEXT | Company name of the supplier contact. | true |
IsActive | Is Active? | BOOLEAN | SELECT | Is supplier contact active? | false |
Addresses | Addresses | [{STRING(Street), STRING(City), STRING(State), STRING(PostCode), STRING(Country), STRING(Phone1), STRING(Email), STRING(Website)}] | ARRAY_BUILDER | List of addresses for the customer contact. | false |
Create Supplier Payment
Name: createSupplierPayment
Creates a new supplier payment.
Name | Label | Type | Control Type | Description | Required |
companyFile | Company File | STRING | SELECT | The MYOB company file to use. | true |
PayFrom | Pay From | STRING | SELECT | true | |
Account | Account | STRING | TEXT | true | |
Supplier | Supplier UID | STRING | SELECT | true |