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Object Helper


Object Helper allows you to do various operations on objects.

Categories: [helpers]

Version: 1


Add Value to the Object by Key

Add value to the object by key if it exists. Otherwise, update the value


NameTypeControl TypeDescription
Source{}OBJECT_BUILDERSource object to be added or updated
KeySTRINGTEXTKey of the value to be added or updated.
Value TypeINTEGERSELECTType of value to be added or updated.
Value[]ARRAY_BUILDERValue to be added or updated.
ValueBOOLEANSELECTValue to be added or updated.
ValueDATEDATEValue to be added or updated.
ValueDATE_TIMEDATE_TIMEValue to be added or updated.
ValueINTEGERINTEGERValue to be added or updated.
ValueNULLNULLValue to be added or updated.
ValueNUMBERNUMBERValue to be added or updated.
Value{}OBJECT_BUILDERValue to be added or updated.
ValueSTRINGTEXTValue to be added or updated.
ValueTIMETIMEValue to be added or updated.

Add Key-Value Pairs to Object or Array

Add values from list to object or array. If the source is object, the items in the list will be treated as Key-value pairs. If the value is array of objects, key-value pairs will be added to every object in the array.


NameTypeControl TypeDescription
Type of Initial ObjectINTEGERSELECTType of initial object to be added or updated.
Source[{}]ARRAY_BUILDERSource object to be added or updated
Source{}OBJECT_BUILDERSource object to be added or updated
Key-Value Pairs{}OBJECT_BUILDERKey-Value pairs to be added or updated.


Checks if the given key exists in the given object.


NameTypeControl TypeDescription
Input{}OBJECT_BUILDERObject that you’d like to check.
KeySTRINGTEXTKey to check for existence.



Delete Key-Value Pair

Deletes a key-value pair in the given object by the specified key. Returns the modified object.


NameTypeControl TypeDescription
Input{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe object from which to delete the key-value pair.
KeySTRINGTEXTThe key of the key-value pair to delete.


Compares two objects and returns true if they are equal.


NameTypeControl TypeDescription
Source{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe source object to compare.
Target{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe target object to compare against.



Merge Two Objects

Merge two objects into one. If there is any property with the same name, the source value will be used.


NameTypeControl TypeDescription
Source{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe source object to merge.
Target{}OBJECT_BUILDERThe target object to merge into.